The Owlwoman and The Bee Priestess: Journ

The Owlwoman And the bee priestess:

journeys on the low road

It has been months upon months since last I posted here. Dear reader, I am so very sorry for my neglect. However, my journeys upon the low road have not halted with my posts. In the past few months I have been working with the Owlwoman, an archetype from mythology all over the world. I first met this face of the Goddess when studing the book “Ladies of the Lake” I met, again, Ragnell a women from Arthurian myth. One of her statements too Arthur at one time was “Even an owl deserves a mate.” upon meditation I found a very real connection with this Goddess. To keep it simple, instead of using all of her names (Ragnell Blowediwen,Hecate,Ceridwen) I simply call her the Owlwoman.

In the past the owl had been a totem of mine. She sang too me and calmed me when my exhusband left when I was all alone. She called me back too my path. But until now I hadnt really worked directly with her. But as this Goddess spoke too me I spoke to Owl. And too my glee, she spoke back.

One quiet night, as everyone else was out and about, I cast a circle and asked Owl if she wished too be my totem…. what did she wish to teach me…was I going in the right direction? Later that week, as I drove home after a long exhausting day at work, I had an owl flight infront of me frm east to west….not a block later an owl flew infront of me from west to east…. it was no mistaking that it was an owl…she flew not 2 feet from my wind sheild!I take that as a yes, as a sign that im encircled in Owl’s energy….i am an owlwoman….

Not long after this I started to research beekeeping. This is something I have always been interested in. When I was younger I had a boyfriend, whos grandfather kept bees. I remember staanding in the cloud of bees as they flew around me. Not even a little frightened. A day or so later a sister in my hearth posted a video about a beekeeper musician/bee priestess. My heart lept in my chest! Bee priestess…some thing was familiar…real…old….i have since researched the topic and I will continue to do so. I claim the term and wear it symbolically as a healer…and will some day be a bee keeper….

in this line I have also been working with my hearth to be inducted as a sister. To that end one assign a task…make prayer beads or affirmation beads ect…In a moment of meditation this poem came too me:

“I follow the path of the Bee Priestess

and the Owl Woman.

The healer and the seer.

Do not try to hide your self

from me.

For I see you even

when you don’t see your self.

Lay your wounds out

to me and I shall heal them.

I fly the night skies

nothing misses my gaze.

The winds call my name

My Goddess urges me on.

Be healed, Heal other.

Golden healing and

smokey wind.

I am the Bee Priestess

I am the Owlwoman.

Too that end I made these prayer beads… made in the Avalonian tradition and using my own totems and faces of the Goddess:

There are nine beads, a number sacred to Avalon and the goddess, the terra cota beads have Ogham rune on it spelling out:

Now that is “I am the Owlwoman I am the bee priestess, I am the seer I am the healer” I translated it to welsh then ogham from there.


The first bead, or thefocal bead, is the seal on the chalice well. With this bead I can focus on my intent for use of the beads that day then move on from there. The beads are strung on hand spun yarn (spun by yours truly) and is designed with a loop on one end so I can wear them as a necklace if I choose.

I hope for these beads to be a wonderful tool for self growth and spiritual awakening. I hope you enjoyed my first post in a very long time 🙂

4 thoughts on “The Owlwoman and The Bee Priestess: Journ

  1. I was grateful to receive your post today. I feel as though I am having some kind of spiritual crisis. Life is going well, and I can’t complain – I have a loving partner, a good job, all my material needs are being met- but I feel spiritually empty. Searching for something that is not there. I look forward to reading about your journey and gaining some insight. Peace & blessingsto you.

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